New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “social satanism” or “social-satanism”




[ soh-shuhl seyt-n-iz-uhm ]

Summary Definition of “social satanism”

Social satanism defines the universal reality of the ‘immutable negative force’ that presents itself within the material realm, and the multitude of ways in which it manifests itself within human society.

Full Definition of “social satanism”

The 3 core objectives of social satanism, which ultimately lead to a separation of society and humanity from the divine spirit, are:
• The immoralisation of society (making society more immoral, degenerate and animalistic).
• The debeautification of society (making society ugly and gross).
• The artificialising of society (disconnecting society from nature and the natural order).

Manifestations of social satanism within society include:
• The inversion of natural morality.
• The inversion of all time-honoured social norms.
• The inversion of reality.
• The denial of objective truth and promotion of subjective truth (no truth at all).
• Total secrecy for society’s controllers and a total absence of privacy for the controlled.
• The glorification of murder and bloodshed.
• Broadcasting of violence, horror, terror and other trauma-inducing sights, sounds and sensations.
• The promotion of grotesque, deformed and unaesthetic art.
• The promotion of tuneless, inharmonious and bland music.
• The promotion of animalistic cultures over more civilised human cultures.
• The promotion of satanic symbols, sigils, and demonic (pagan) gods and goddesses.
• The broadcasting and presentation of satanic/pagan rituals, festivals and spells.
• The promotion of so-called ‘magician entertainers’ who partner with demonic entities to conjure ‘impossible’ acts of sorcery.
• The promotion of satanists in popular culture and youth culture.
• The promotion of satanic personalities, imagery, words and symbols within the music industry, the book industry, the film industry and the fashion industry.
• The erection of satanic/pagan statues, architecture and symbolism in and around public and political buildings.
• Timetabling major political and social events to occur specifically on core satanic sacrificial dates in the calendar, such as May 1st, October 31st etc.
• The normalisation of prostitution and the cover-up of female and child abduction, sex-slavery and sex trafficking on an unprecedented scale.
• The sexualisation of children and the destruction of childhood innocence.
• The promotion of sexualised children to encourage pedophilia.
• The progressive normalisation of any and all sexual deviances and perversions.
• The derision of, and opposition to, the Jesus egregore, which predominantly emanates peace, compassion, love and positive energy into human society.
• The demonisation of the divine sovereign individual and promotion of the hive-mind society via collectivist ideologies.
• The destruction of the spiritual feminine through the destruction of the material female/woman.
• The destruction of the spiritual masculine through the destruction of the material male/man.

Most younger people, due to their socially satanic programming from birth, will consider many if not most of the above list to be fairly ‘normal’, rather than so obviously satanic (spiritually and socially negative) in every imaginable way. Even many of those who consider themselves to be spiritually or socially positive in their worldview are likely to have never really considered the above as being blatantly satanic, even though these things are now staring at them from every direction in today’s socially satanic society.

A social satanist is someone who manifestly behaves in a social satanic manner, either knowingly or naively.

People have been falsely conditioned to believe that satanism within the modern world is nothing other than a Christian delusion, and this level of disinformation is very much akin to the CIA’s promotion to its mainstream media assets of the term ‘conspiracy theory’ in the 1960s, which was invented in order to ridicule and denounce any genuine conspiracy that threatened to expose the CIA’s (globalist deep State’s) illegal black projects. Indeed, in its modern guise, satanism is explicably partnered in many ways to both black projects of secret service agencies and to the very core of globalist ideology.

Even mainstream materialist science (scientism) has now been forced to accept the reality of metaphysical dimensions and realms, which it has been resisting since quantum physics first became an established science at the start of the 20th century. We exist in a tiny fraction of the light spectrum, which is itself a tiny fraction of the universal spectrum. It took Einstein years to admit to the quantum physicists that he was wrong for stating that the metaphysical couldn’t affect the physical in unexplainable ways. Don’t make the same mistake as Einstein. He called it ‘spooky science’ but although he couldn’t explain it, he eventually came to understood that it was very real. The reality of the spiritual realms had a great effect on Einstein, and in the last two years of life he turned to God.

Within those realms there are negative entities and forces, which feed on the low frequency and negative energy that human beings (and animals) produce when they are in fear, in physical pain, in mental anguish, depressed, shameful, violent, and highly sexualised. This is why many religions that still harbour pagan beliefs, sacrifice animals to their ‘god’ or ‘gods’. Only negative entities require their worshippers to murder innocent animals, in order that they can feed off their dying fear and anguish. That is the reality, whether you like it or not. Once you have researched and accepted this reality, much about the world that once seemed nonsensical will begin to make total sense.

Satanists, in collaboration with their metaphysical masters and allied spirits, have existed for thousands of years and continue to plague society in the modern age. They will relentlessly deceive you into believing that satanism doesn’t exist, or is simply a benign cultural activity. That’s what liars do. They lie.

Social satanism relates to the true understanding of satanism, which is an alliance with negative or deceivingly positive metaphysical entities and forces, and connected in varying degrees with Anunnakism, luciferianism, wicca, theosophy, marxism, nazism, atheism, all pagan religions, voodoo, spiritualism, certain shamanism, and the negative (dark) side of all major religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Opposing social satanism does not require you to be spiritually enlightened or religious in any way. It simply requires you to be a good person. Any good person will naturally oppose most, and be extremely wary of the rest, of the above list of social agendas. Now that you are aware of social satanism, you no longer have the excuse of ignorance. You simply have the decision to make of exactly when to begin actively opposing its evil advance over human society.

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